Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rogue, Lagunitas and the Acadia

Sorry for the long delay between these posts, I hope to get back to a semi regular schedule now as I have many adventures and beers to share with you.

So I went to the Acadia last night with some friends to see "the broken lines" who you can check out here. this place is slightly on the expensive side for doing beer reviews but luckily it was Monday which meant 2-for-1 bottles which ended up saving me an ass load of money. For anyone who hasn't been its your typical hipster/art student hang out that gets loud as shit. The one real drawback is that they don't do a wristband or stamp thing so every time you get a new bartender everyone in line has to produce their I.D. again which slows everything to a crawl and they also don't have an ATM. Anyways on to the beers.

Rogue Dead Guy Ale

Yes everyone has had this a million times but the friend-that-is-a-girl that I was with wanted to order it and since it was 2-for-1s I did the gentlemanly thing and got four. Since it was in a bottle I can't tell you a lot about the head or the color for that matter. But I will say when my friend-that-is-a-girl tapped the bottom of her bottle onto the top of mine it did make a nice thick head, so that from that what you will.

DGA is a bock so it is a tad on the malty side, the one flavor that really stands out to me seems to be more of a dark sweetness with some alcohol hints, that is not to say it is a dark beer. It is still crisp and delicious but it is not abundantly citrusy. The hop presence is nice and isn't overbearing like the trend in some other brews, it's not the main attraction and it seems to know that by not punching you in the face after your swallow. All in all if you have a friend that loves malt while you love hops this beer is a good compromise.

Lagunitas IPA

this beer is exactly what it says it is, an IPA and it doesn't brag about hop flavor or IBUs or anything else that hop heads really care about, which actually does it service. If you were trying to get a friend to see the glory of the hop this would be one of the easier IPAs to start them out on. I noticed a more earthy pine forest flavor then I had in the past when I drank this and it had a distinct taste of malt syrup which isn't bad, it is an IPA after all not some complex malty old mans beer. By this time in the night my friend-that-is-a-girl started passing on her drinks to me so review notes got kinda muddled and decided to try to get laid. I apologize for my lapse in journalistic ethics, it will never happen again.

ps as a gift to all of you this wonderful holiday season I highly recommend taking a pint glass, filling it about 1/4 of the way with gin and then fill the rest with apple cider. it tastes like all the best parts of Christmas in liquid form. You can thank me later.

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